The 25 least secure passwords used in 2018



Our Support desk manage thousands of users for the apps, websites and portals that we’ve developed. A part of that is helping recover and reset passwords – and in that time we’ve heard some creative passwords! 

We’re all guilty of recycling passwords or choosing something that’s easy to remember over something that’s difficult to break into. Nevertheless, every year there are thousands of cases of preventable identity theft from easily guessed passwords.

A cybersecurity firm has released a list of the most hacked passwords from 2018. This list was gathered from millions of accounts that had experienced a hack. It’s thought that around 10% of people have used at least one of these passwords. There are some repeat offenders, with ‘123456’ and ‘password’ reaching the top two places for the fifth year in a row.

Take a look at the top 25 least secure passwords of 2018


If any of these passwords look familiar, it’s a good idea to rethink the passwords you use on a daily basis. This is especially true if you tend to use the same password across many sites, as one good guess from a hacker can lead to a breach that affects you significantly. At the very least, it’s vital that you choose a unique password for anything financial or that handles sensitive personal information.

To choose a strong password, try following our Support team’s Top Tips:

More characters equals more security

The best choice for a password is a long password. Many hackers use a dictionary based system, so combat this by combining two random words or misspelling them with numbers and special characters.

Stay unpredictable

There’s a reason that there are cliches about birthdays and first pets – this information is easier to find than you might think. The best thing to be when choosing a word to build your password around is unpredictable.

Don’t get into habits

We’re all creatures of habit. This is something that hackers love to take advantage of. They know that the password they’ve guessed for one site is likely to be used elsewhere, and will try to access other accounts with the same credentials. It’s best to change your passwords so that the same one isn’t used all over the internet.

Consider a password manager

Most people choose a repetitive, unsafe password for the simple reason that they know they won’t remember a different, complex password for every account they create. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to use a password manager that can help you keep track. You’ll be able to securely store your passwords in an encrypted program that does the remembering for you.

To work with a company that has your security in mind, talk to Zinc Digital today

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