Why prioritise branding in the digital age



‘Everything is online these days – why waste time with traditional marketing?’

There’s a reason that Zinc is a full service agency. Our phone is always ringing for digital marketing or website build enquiries, but our clients don’t always realise that the most successful campaigns don’t begin with a new site or a great campaign. Step one is always your brand.

Branding is more than a name and a logo. It’s something tangible, the soul of your business and the way that your customers relate and connect to it. It’s who you are, and deserves the time and effort to create a perfect branding that reflects your personality, embodies your values and offers a strong foundation for your future marketing endeavours. Without this start, every campaign you send and person you connect with isn’t fulfilling the potential it could.

In the digital age, your customers are being constantly bombarded with information. Every day they scroll through a minefield of shareable content, targeted advertising, clickbait blogs and alarmist headlines. The ever-changing landscape is creating an audience that’s always adapting to change and processing new information. The one thing that remains constant throughout all of this is branding.

With a strong identity, you have a powerful weapon in your arsenal. You’re able to gain a competitive advantage over others in your industry:

Build a consistent, controlled message

Stand out from the stream of fast paced, changing information with a clear message. Choose your values and stand by them, and make sure that you’re communicating them with every post you press send on. There are a lot of voices in your space, so make sure that yours is distinctive. This means that if a time comes when you’ll have to address negativity or speak on a touchy subject, you’ll be able to do so with the confidence of your brand behind you.

Is your business in need of a strong brand?

Foster a long-term relationship

Your business shouldn’t be about the one-time sale. It should be about building relationships for the long term, enhancing referrals and encouraging returns. With strong branding, you’re giving your business name a likeable face that is likely to bring people back for more. It’s beyond buying and selling – you’re able to show authority and trustworthiness, or a friendly new perspective that’s going to make sure that you’re the name they think of first.

Stay memorable

Your priority as a business owner is to grow. If you’ve become one of those businesses that nobody remembers, you need to take a step back and consider the brand that you’ve chosen. In the old marketplace, the only choice was stuffy and professional. Now, it’s necessary to forget old habits and think more deeply. By truly understanding the voice you want for your business, you’ll be able to make a deeper connection and a lasting impression.

If you’re looking for success in a competitive digital age, you should start with your brand. It’s a simple yet effective first step to ensuring a successfully converting website and an effective digital marketing strategy. Without this, you’re just another voice shouting for attention in an oversaturated digital world.

Zinc Digital love to build brands from the ground up. Whether you’re a new enterprise or need a revitalised approach to your branding talk to our team today.

We’ll get to know you and your brand to help create a look, a voice, and an identity that’s cohesive, memorable and entirely you.

Let's get started

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